Bubba is on the run after a smoke bomb landed right under his feet. After this, he would not uncover his ears or let his feet touch the ground. Hope he grows out of this by the time he is a teenager. Could be embarrassing.
This made us a little nervous, but fortunately Gabe was a little nervous about holding a flaming piece of wire as well.
Britny rescued Bubba...
while Danielle and Jeff rescued Sis.
love this Gracey pic
My turn to protect Bubba
364 days out of the year we tell children not to run with sharp objects or play with fire. Once a year, we put hot, flaming pieces of wire into their hands and tell them to run and wave them around.
Bubba was a little too nervous to hold a real sparkler, but he was a good pretender so he could join the boys.
HAPPY 7th OF JULY (the boys were with Dad for the 4th :-)